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Social Studies



Prerequisite: Grade 7

This combined studies course focuses on the development of basic knowledge and application of skills in both the English and Social Studies curricula.  Humanities 8 allows students to develop their Communication, Thinking, and Personal and Social core competencies.  The influence of language and text to understand ourselves and make connections to others and the world is explored.  The role of contacts, conflicts, and environment are analyzed to determine significant cultural, social, and political changes during the time period of the 7th century to the 1750's.  These big ideas are further developed through an examination of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Geography knowledge and skills previously acquired in Grade 7 are reinforced and expanded. In literature, emphasis is placed on reading comprehension and student inquiry. Reading selections will include novels, short stories, poems, non-fiction, and historical texts to emphasize universal themes in the content area.


Required: Accepted into the Incentive Program (See Pre-AP/Incentive section on page 15).

This combined studies course focuses on the development of advanced knowledge and application of skills in both the English and Social Studies curricula.  Humanities 8 Incentive allows students to develop their Communication, Thinking, and Personal and Social core competencies.  The influence of language and text to understand ourselves and make connections to others and the world is explored.  The role of contacts, conflicts, and environment are analyzed to determine significant cultural, social, and political changes during the time period of the 7th century to the 1750's.  These big ideas are further developed through an examination of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Tudors, and the Reformation. Geography knowledge and skills previously acquired in Grade 7 are reinforced and expanded. In literature, emphasis is placed on reading comprehension and writing skills. Reading selections will include novels, short stories, poems, non-fiction, and historical texts to emphasize universal themes in the content area.  This course includes additional enrichment activities ranging from independent study to extended group discussion and debate, as well as integrated individual and group inquiry projects. Students will be expected to pursue areas of special interest to develop critical and creative thinking skills.


Prerequisite: Humanities 8

This course will cover major issues in Western Civilization from the 17th - 19th centuries focusing on Pre-Confederation Canada and the political, social, economic, and technological revolutions.  The continuing effects of imperialism and colonialism on indigenous peoples will be shown together with global demographic shifts.  Issues of nationalism and conflict in the development of modern nation-states are studied.  Geography will include physiographic features of Canada and geological processes.


Required:  Accepted into the Incentive Program (See Pre-AP/Incentive section on page 15).

In addition to covering the Social Studies 9 curriculum, this course will include additional enrichment activities ranging from independent study to extended group discussion and debate, as well as integrated research projects where students pursue areas of special interest to develop critical, analytical and creative thinking skills.  A variety of topics will be drawn from history, geography, civics, and economics.  Major issues from 1750-1919 will be explored in greater detail and depth, and linkages will be made to modern nation-states, including Canada.



Prerequisite: Social Studies 9

The new Grade 10 Social Studies Curriculum will build on the same competencies first introduced in Social Studies 9 and Humanities 8.  Students will develop their inquiry processes and skills to interpret, analyze and communicate their findings and decisions.  Course content will include the development and function of our political institutions, political and economic ideologies, our changing identity and autonomy, conflicts and discriminatory policies as well as Canada’s economic development and our role in the global economy.  Emphasis will also be placed on First Peoples governance, and, truth and reconciliation.


Required: Accepted into the Incentive Program (See Pre-AP/Incentive section on page 15).

This course covers the basic grade 10 curriculum with additional enrichment activities ranging from independent study to extended group discussion and debate, as well as integrated research projects. Students will be expected to pursue areas of special interest to develop critical and creative thinking skills.


Prerequisite: Social Studies 10

This course is designed to provide flexibility for teachers and students while ensuring that the rigorous provincial curriculum standards are met. This is a survey course designed to peak student interest in locally relevant content.  A sampling of topics to be selected from will include social, cultural, or technological innovations and developments in the 20th century, colonialism and contemporary issues for indigenous people in Canada and around the world, natural resource use and local, regional, national, or global development, rights of individuals in Canada


Prerequisite: Social Studies 10      

Required: Accepted into the Incentive Program (See Pre-AP/Incentive section on page 15).

This course covers the basic grade 11 curriculum, with additional enrichment activities ranging from independent study to extended group discussion and debate, as well as integrated research projects. Student centered inquiry-based assignments will be a critical component of this course. Students will be expected to pursue areas of special interest to develop critical and creative thinking skills.


Prerequisite: Social Studies 10      

This course focuses on the world in the 20th century beginning with the consequences of WWI.  Fields of inquiry include: rise of authoritarianism, civil wars and independence movements, human rights movements, religious, ethnic, and cultural conflict, global conflicts, including WW1, WW2, and the Cold War, migration of people and immigration, international cooperation, social and cultural developments, mass consumption and rapid changes in communication and transportation technology. Strong oral and written communication skills are recommended.

SS: LAW 12

Prerequisite: Social Studies 10      

This course is an overview of the legal system in Canada. Students will explore how law promotes citizen to participate in society using legal rights and responsibilities. Students will also consider how law can both initiate social change and preserve existing social norms. Topics discussed include the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, human rights codes, as well as criminal and civil law systems. During this course students are expected to attend a field trip to the Vancouver Law Courts and to participate in a mock trial.


Prerequisite: Social Studies 10      

BC First Peoples 12 focuses on the diversity, depth, and experiences of British Columbia’s First Peoples. Students will explore the cultures, worldviews, and practices of BC First Peoples, and seek to understand how colonialism worked to disrupt these political, social, and economic systems. This course will examine how BC First Peoples have worked to resist and challenge Canada’s ongoing colonial practices and to renew their communities. Students will end this course by considering future challenges and opportunities on the journey towards reconciliation.

This course meets the new graduation requirement to have 4 credits in an Indigenous Focused course, and the Social Studies 11 or Grade 12 elective requirement for the Graduation program for all students graduating in B.C. after September 2023.


Prerequisite: Social Studies 10

Psychology is a fascinating field of study that can change the way students understand the world, the people around them, and themselves. This course is designed to give students an overview of some of the major topics in Psychology and will hopefully spark a lifelong interest in the complexity of the human mind.  Students will have the opportunity to learn about the history of the field of psychology, psychological deviance, intelligence, group psychology, stress, personality, and psychological disorders. This course provides a powerful way for students to think deeply about their own convictions and behaviors while empowering them with the skills necessary to live thoughtfully and purposefully. Psychology 12 will allow students new lenses by which to view themselves and become more empathetic towards others.