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Before You Start

Program Planning at R.C. Palmer begins in January/February for the following school year. Your whole team works together to help you make appropriate choices and achieve your goals.


• Your counsellor can assist in program planning by helping you to factor in your interests and abilities as you plan for the coming school year. 
• Our career advisor is available to meet with senior students considering post-secondary options.
• Subject area teachers will be able to give you valuable insight into the different courses that are offered.  
• You should discuss your choices with your parents/guardians before making final course selections.  


We believe that taking a variety of courses can help expand your personal development and contribute to becoming a well-rounded individual. It is very important to balance your academic courses with electives; consider the time it takes to achieve success in the areas that you value the most and plan accordingly.  

Some courses must be taken to meet the graduation requirements of the Ministry of Education, while others can be chosen to meet individual interests and goals. This site describes the various programs at R.C. Palmer Secondary and the content of individual courses.




The number of sections of each course is based on the course requests made by students in February.  Therefore, we urge you to choose courses and alternatives mindfully, keeping in mind the following factors:

▪ Elective courses will be offered only if there is sufficient enrolment to create a class. The possibility arises that a student may select a course that cannot be scheduled.  In this case, the student will be given an alternate elective suitable for their timetable. Make sure to provide thoughtful alternate selections when you are course planning.
▪ Once the master timetable is built in May, course changes become much more difficultand sometimes impossible; therefore, it is very important that the selection of courses be done with care.


▪ While students in the Graduation Program (Gr. 10-12) need to plan their courses with potential career and/or post-secondary programs in mind, realistic and achievable goals must guide decision making Counsellors work primarily to guide students towards a successful BC graduation. 
▪ For details on post-secondary options please visit and go directly to the Post-Secondary Institution’s website.
▪ All students are expected to take eight courses with Palmer.  Students in grade 12 may apply for a study block and take seven courses if they are on track to graduate.