MAR 2/25 BCSTA Student Citizenship Scholarship 11:59 PM PST Deadline
The British Columbia School Trustees Association recognizes students for outstanding contributions that they have made to their school and community. Three $750 scholarships will be awarded to students who are continuing their educational journey in post secondary or skills and careers training through a recognized institution. Your application should outline how you have demonstrated a significant contribution to your school or community and explain how your values, commitment and determination have helped in this. Your application should also describe the journey you took to reach this milestone and what your future plans are. Scholarships will be paid directly to the student’s recognized post-secondary or skills and careers training institution. Criteria: This scholarship recognizes B.C. public school students who are completing their K-12 education in the 2024/25 school year and have displayed exemplary citizenship within their school and/or community; Students must be concluding their K-12 education in the 2024/25 school year; Students must be planning to attend a recognized post-secondary institution or skills and career training program.; Students must submit a completed application by the application deadline. Application submissions need to be emailed to the BCSTA at prior to the deadline. Please ensure the subject line of the email reads as follows: [YOUR NAME] Scholarship Application. Each applicant will receive an acknowledgment email within two business days. If you do not receive an acknowledgment email, please contact the BCSTA at or Please submit your application as a single document, saved in PDF format. Your document must contain your written submission, a signed consent form and two reference letters. Unfortunately, applications that do not have the required documentation can not be considered. Please save your application with a file name formatted in the following way: lastname-firstname-scholarship.pdf – for example, if your name is Jane Doe, your file will be named doe-jane-scholarship.pdf. The following documents will help you in your scholarship submissions. The consent form is a mandatory part of the scholarship process and applications sent without one can unfortunately not be processed. Go to: