Daily Notices - Wednesday March 11 2025
A message from Athletics: There will be a track and field meeting today in room 126 during break. If you are on the track and field team, please come to room 126 during break for a team meeting.
Hello Griffins, This Thursday, March 13th, the Richmond Champion Grade 8 boys Basketball team will be playing against the teachers in a game of basketball during lunch in the big gym. They'll be playing against teachers including Mr. Gavsie, Mr. Dhari, and Mr. Kwan. See you there!
Attention Grade 12s- please visit rcrq.orq for the Richmond Community Foundation's High School Scholarships application. RCF's scholarships recognize students for academics, volunteerism and contributions to the community. The deadline is March 14thbut please apply early as you'll need to arrange reference letters.
A reminder to clear out your lockers before Spring break - please throw out any food that may go bad and take home any clothes that need a wash!!