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Daily Notices - Monday March 10 2025

Congratulations to the Palmer Trio, Giovana, Lyndsay, and Keira, for placing first at Notorious on
Friday! Your hard work and dedication pushed you to the top. Go team

Attention Grade 10 and 11 Students who are interested on a fantastic Leadership Opportunity
with the Port of Vancouver. Palmer students have been invited to apply for some of the 10 seats
available to receive leadership training and a summer volunteer opportunity, gaining work
experience with the potential of earning a $1000 honorarium on completion. See the poster and
further information on the bulletin boards at the Palmer Career Centre. Our students who have
done this before have gained tremendously! Deadline to apply is April 14/25.

A reminder for all students to clear out their lockers before Friday when Spring Break starts - take any food items or smelly gym kits home please!!

Updated: Monday, March 10, 2025