Daily Notices - Thursday Feb 6th, 2025
Today is Thursday, February 6th and its National chopsticks Day!
What do chopsticks do when they’re bored? They just stick around!
Attention all students interested in Aviation! If you are interested in learning about a possible career in the flight industry, sign up to have a one day hands-on experience during spring break, - March 29. please contact Lian Tran by email for further information or to register at: ltran@sd38.bc.ca Tell her of your interest, by Friday Feb 14. The day is free and lunch is included. Spots are limited, so sign up soon!
A reminder to students requesting AP courses that forms are due tomorrow to Mr. Liang’s room. Please make sure to complete the form and attach all the required information.
You are invited to a pizza lunch to learn about the Dual Credit Career Programs you can take while in high school. Are you interested in learning about classes you can take while in high school that can help you with your plans for-Post Secondary. You have options to study programs in Health Care, Early Childhood Education, and a variety of Dual Credit Post -Secondary Courses. Come join us and take part in the Q & A Session to see if this is for you. Today in the Dogwood Pacific Staff Conference Room (across from the Library) at lunch at 1:05.
Attention Grade 12s- please visit rcrg.org for the Richmond Community Foundation’s High School Scholarships application. RCF’s scholarships recognize students for academics, volunteerism and contributions to the community. The deadline is March 14th but please apply early as you’ll need to arrange reference letters.
That’s all for today griffins! Thank you for listening and have a wonderful rest of your day!