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Career Education

At Palmer, Career Education is a two-year program with CLE or CLE-Leadership taken in grade 11 and CLC/Capstone taken in Grade 12.



No Prerequisite                                                                  

This is a required course (4 credits) for graduation on the 2018 Graduation Program.  Elements of the course revolve around three key themes:

  • Personal Development: planning for the successful completion of secondary school is the first step in a positive transition to work or post-secondary education while establishing a healthy balance between school and other life activities.
  • Connections to Community: analysis of global trends and economy.
  • Career Life Plan: encouraging students to explore a wide variety of career and education options through analysis of labour and market trends, workplace safety, work experience opportunities, and identification of essential career and employability skills.



No Prerequisite/ Acceptance by application

Good leaders are needed for today and the future.  This course is designed for those students who wish to develop and discover leadership values, attitudes, and skills within their classroom and community. This course is open to Grade 11 students who want to help to create a positive school environment through active participation.


Topics include:

  • Learning to be an Effective Leader
  • Event Planning
  • Self-Image and Motivation
  • Goal Setting
  • Problem Solving/Decision Making
  • Social Responsibility


Leadership is not a position of popularity, but a position of responsibility and accountability.  Students will learn to make decisions that will enhance the entire school community rather than just him/herself. Students taking this course will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of leadership events and projects based in Palmer.

Applications are available in the office and are due by 3pm on February 09, 2024.

Late Applications will NOT be considered.

Students taking Leadership will meet the learning standards for Career Life Education and receive 4 credits for Career Life Education. 



No Prerequisite

This is a required course (4 credits) for graduation. Students will receive a percentage and a letter grade on their official transcript for CLC and Capstone. This course is currently being developed at Palmer as a non-enrolling class; work will be done both online and outside of regular class time.  Students will continue to explore a variety of learning outcomes that are directly relevant to their future personal wellness, living arrangements, financial planning and career pathways. CLC will invite students to consider the impact of their personal and career choices on themselves and others. All students will prepare and present a Capstone Project where students will reflect on a personal passion or interest, and share how they have grown and learned in the core competencies and as a global citizen.