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Modern Languages



No Prerequisite

This course builds on the work and skills developed in grades 5, 6 and 7, and focuses on communication skills.  Students will participate in a variety of activities such as conversations, role-plays, "sondages" and skits. This course stresses oral skills, cooperation, and a willingness to participate in class activities. Written work and projects will be used to reinforce the speaking component.



Prerequisite: French 8

This course continues to build on the communication skills developed in Grade 8.  Using authentic, everyday situations, students will develop their vocabulary and grammatical skills through oral and written work.  The French 9 text will be decided at a later date. Active participation is the key to success in this course.



No Prerequisite

This introductory course is open to anyone in grades 9 or 10.  The course covers the four major aspects of language learning (reading, writing, listening, and speaking), with an emphasis on fun.  At the end, students should be able to communicate simple ideas at home, school, and around town.  This course’s cultural component features extensive use of recent media, such as anime, film, manga and movies.


No Prerequisite

This beginners’ course is an introduction to the Spanish language. We will use the communicative approach.  Students will be able to express themselves in simple sentences based on themes such as school, friends, leisure activities, and food.  Several of the 20 Spanish-speaking countries will be explored along with Latin music, fiestas, and other cultural aspects.  We will use the Realidades Uno textbook, videos, and listening activities.





Prerequisite: French 9

This course places an equal emphasis on oral and written skills. Students will be encouraged to express themselves both orally and in written work ("en français") in the past, present and future. Oral presentations and written projects will provide a fairly complex practical level of French as communication.


LANG: CORE FRENCH 11          

Prerequisite: Core French 10

Successful completion of French 11 satisfies the second language requirement for university.

It incorporates the four main language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing, with the emphasis on communication. Culture is also an integral component of the program.


LANG: CORE FRENCH 12          

Prerequisite: Core French 11

This course emphasises on communication. At this level, reading and writing skills are more fully developed.


Prerequisite: Japanese 9

Building on last year’s course, students deepen their knowledge of Japanese language components, such as katakana and some (minimal) kanji.  Again, all four major aspects (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) return, with care given to exploring what is interesting and enjoyable about Japan and its culture.  Media once again plays a significant role in learning.



No Prerequisite                            

This is an intensive course that combines both Japanese 9 and Japanese 10. It is intended for grade 11 or 12 students who are undertaking the study of Japanese for the first time. Students will learn to read and write both the hiragana and katakana phonetic scripts and a limited number of kanji. Emphasis will also be placed on the development of oral/aural skills. Japanese culture will be introduced with the aid of videos, field trips, projects and hands-on activities.

LANG: JAPANESE 11                 

Prerequisite: Japanese 10 or Japanese Introductory 11

This course counts toward university requirements, with regard to second language courses.  Once more, fun is emphasized, while we explore all language aspects to a greater depth, and with more complexity.  Culture, in particular, gains a greater significance this time.

LANG: JAPANESE 12                 

Prerequisite: Japanese 11

This course enables students to develop more complex conversations within their linguistic experiences and areas of interest. Students will learn to read and write approximately 100 more Kanji. Additional study will continue on various cultural topics.



Prerequisite: Spanish 9 or teacher permission

This course is a continuation of Spanish 9. This course will emphasize language students must know for discussing family, home, shopping and travel.  This course will also emphasize language structures including irregular present tense, past tense, and commands.  Students will also expand their vocabulary and improve their reading skills through a novel study.



No Prerequisite

This is an intensive course that combines both Spanish 9 and 10. It is intended for grade 11 and 12 students who are studying Spanish for the first time. This course will emphasize language students must know for discussing family, home, shopping and travel.  This course will also emphasize language structures including regular and irregular present tense, past tense, and commands.  Students will also expand their vocabulary and improve their reading skills through a novel study. Successful completion of this course will provide students with a level of competence to allow them to pursue Spanish 11.


LANG: SPANISH 11                     

Prerequisite: Spanish 10 or teacher’s permission

This course is accepted as a second language university requirement.

This course increases students’ ability to communicate in oral and written Spanish.  After completing this course, students will be able to communicate in the present and past tenses.  Themes for this year include school, special events, your community and memories of the past.

LANG: SPANISH 12                     

Prerequisite: Spanish 11

This is an advanced course in the study of Spanish language and culture. Themes for this year include news stories, movies and television, food preparation, and travel.  Through continued “dialogo” practices, students will gain confidence by conversing in Spanish on a variety of topics.  Students will also expand their vocabulary and improve their reading skills through a novel study.


Note:  All Language 11 & 12 courses are accepted as a second language university entrance requirement.  Introductory Language courses do not necessarily qualify (i.e. Japanese Introductory 11 and Spanish Introductory 11).  Please check with the specific post secondary institution.