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Specialty Courses


No Prerequisite

What is an Independent Directed Studies course and how does it fit with high school graduation?

Independent Directed Studies courses enable students to initiate their own learning and receive credits towards graduation.  These courses are intended to:

• expand course options for students

• allow students to pursue studies or projects in greater depth and further develop their passion

 An IDS course can be an extension of one or more learning outcomes already identified in an existing Grade 11 or 12 course anywhere in BC.  The course must be rigorous, well thought-out and co-developed through a consultative process. The standards for IDS courses are designed to maintain a high level of quality in the work undertaken.  An IDS course is taken outside of the regular timetable.   After the submission of applications, successful applicants will work with their IDS teacher to identify and develop the IDS course learning process and outcomes. 

 What are the potential benefits of participating in an IDS course?

• become a self-directed, independent learner

• develop collaboration and networking skills

• reach beyond conventional course boundaries

• develop skills that will prepare you for post-secondary success

• develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills

• work with others with similar interests on a local or global basis

• opportunity to work with recognized community leaders

• add a unique dimension to your educational and/or post-secondary application portfolio

 How can I register for an IDS course?

**An information session will be offered in January prior to course selection with more information.

  1. Students (and/or pods) identify a focus area of interest/work with the IDS teacher and/or mentor to develop an IDS course outline including: learning outcomes, a facilitation and monitoring process, a process for evaluation and assessment, criteria for successful completion, and timeframes.
  2. Submit an IDS Application Form before the course selections.  (Approval of the application is required.)
  3. Students should also identify a mentor (preferably a community member but he/she can also be a parent or teacher) that is willing to support them through the learning process.
  4. Students must be able to work independently and meet deadlines.

How are credits are assigned?

An IDS course can be one, two, three or four credits depending upon the number of learning outcomes, depth of the proposal(s) and the number of hours allocated for completion. 

  • Currently only four credit proposals are accepted which is equivalent about 80-120 hours - like any full year course in the school. 
  • Successful completion of an IDS course includes clear documentation of work, criteria achieved, and a final presentation where applicable.
Students interested in the Palmer Peer Tutoring course must complete an application and be matched with grade 8 or 9 academic classes.  If you are in grade 11/12 and are interested in Peer Tutoring, please complete an application form that is available in the office.  The PT form is to be completed and returned with the course request forms on February 9, 2024.
The following criteria is used for selection:
  • One Peer Tutor Block per Gr. 11/12 Student
  • Excellent Management and Organizational Skills
  • Excellent Record of Attendance
  • Demonstrates Initiative
  • Excellent Record of Punctuality
  • Positive Relationship with PT Teacher Sponsor
  • Knowledge of Subject Area
  • Able to Work with Limited Supervision
  • Respect for Confidentiality
  • Reliable, Responsible, Confident, Mature Student
  • Works Extremely Well with Peers & Younger Students
Peer tutoring can benefit students by:
  • Increasing individual attention in the classroom
  • Influence of a positive role model
  • Gains in self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Improving study habits
  • Improving grades

STUDY BLOCK (Grade 12s Only)

Grade 12 students are entitled to sign up for a study block so long as it does not affect their graduation.  The intent of the study block is to provide students with time during the school day to work towards completion of classroom assignments.  Study blocks may be revoked for misuse.  Students must complete a consent form signed by parents or guardians.