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Today is Friday, February 28th and it’s National Tooth Fairy Day! Why did the tooth fairy go to school? To catch up on its skills
Today is Thursday, February 27th and it’s National Strawberry Day! Why did the strawberry break up with the banana? Because it found someone berry special
Palmer Theatre Company is proud to present The Jungle Book. The classic story of Mowgli the Man-Cub springs to life in this lively and spirited
Today is Wednesday, February 26th and it’s National Pistachio Day! What do you call a nut that loves to party? A pistach-yo! It’s time for
Please visit the link below for information regarding Summer Learning:
Today is Tuesday, February 25th and it’s National Clam Chowder Day! Why did the clam chowder refuse to fight? Because it didn’t want to stir
Semester 2 Interim Learning Updates will be emailed to parents on February 28th 2025. Parents are encouraged to discuss their child's performance and reach out
A reminder to all our students that Wednesday is Pink Shirt day! We encourage you to wear pink to show your support to stop bullying!
Lunch and Learn Presentation by the Student Voice Club The Student Voice Club recently hosted an insightful Lunch and Learn presentation for 30 of our
Today is Monday, February 24th and it’s National Tortilla Chip Day! Why don’t tortilla chips ever get lonely? Because they always come in a bag
Please find attached our WAAG for the upcoming week, February 24th to 28th. Have a great weekend!
Today is Friday, February 21st and it’s National cinnamon bun Day! What’s a cinnamon bun’s favourite movie? Pirates of the spiceibbean! It’s time for the
Today is Thursday, February 20th and it’s National cherry pie Day! Why did the baker's card get declined? He didn't have enough dough! Palmer’s Club
Today is Wednesday, February 19th and it’s National arabian horse Day! Why did the horse get detention? Because it wouldn’t stop horsing around! Any student
Our Grade 8 boys' basketball team has won the City Basketball Championships! This incredible achievement marks the first time since 2014 that our boys' basketball
Please note that Friday February 14th 2025 is a Professional Development Day for teachers and school is not in session for students. Monday February 17th
Please find attached our WAAG for the upcoming week, February 17th to 21st. Please note that Friday February 14th, is a Professional Development Day and
Please scan the attached QR code or visit for further information!
Attention all students interested in Aviation! If you are interested in learning about a possible career in the flight industry, sign up to have a
All grade 8-11 Students who need tech support are welcome to come to PLT tomorrow to use laptops. Remember, myEd entry and Course Selection forms