Daily Notices - Tuesday Mar 4th, 2025
Today is Tuesday, March 4th and it’s National band Day!
What kind of music do bunnies like?
Hip hop!
It’s time for the drama MainStage performance of The Jungle Book, taking place until march 7th at 7 pm. Tickets are now on sale outside of the drama room every day at lunch for $10.
Attention Grade 10 – 11’s this is a reminder for all senior students interested in applying for a school district dual credit program. Due today is the Intro to Early Childhood Education Program application.
Are you a Grade 11 student interested in exploring a career working with children? Take the Intro to Early Childhood Education Program at Langara this September to December for FREE. Yes, the program tuition is covered by Richmond School District! The Langara courses count as your first semester electives (16 credits). You then return to your home school for second semester and graduate with your peers. Applications are due March 4th, but late applications will be considered. See the poster in the Career Centre for more info and the application QR code.
That’s all for today griffins! Thank you for listening and have a wonderful rest of your day!