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Daily Notices - Tuesday Feb 25th, 2025

Today is Tuesday, February 25th and it’s National Clam Chowder Day!
Why did the clam chowder refuse to fight?
Because it didn’t want to stir up trouble!

It’s time for the drama MainStage performance of The Jungle Book, taking place March 3-7 at 7 pm. Tickets are now on sale outside of the drama room every day at lunch for $10.

If you have signed up to play tennis in the upcoming season or if you are interested in doing so, come to a meeting today at lunch break in Room 122. Looking forward to seeing you there.

The district Rainbow Café will be happening this Thursday after school in the Palmer library. Please see Ms. Epp or Ms. Mashkoor if you are interested in attending!

Grade 12’s, your honours to the class must be submitted by 9am on Wednesday this week. Please see the email from Mrs. Dowsett with the link that you need to use to submit. Please get this submitted as soon as possible or we will make one up on your behalf!! 

Congratulations to our Senior Jazz Combo: Kate Li, Grace Ngan, Raphael Cheung, Marvin Chen, Jason Ong, Evan Yan, and Gavin Kok, for performing a self-directed set at the Surrey Jazz Festival at the Bell Centre of Performing Arts last Friday. 

An extra congratulations to Kate Li for being a well “sought-after” Bass Player in the Lower Mainland. She performed with a multi-school Senior Combo, with 5 other top musicians selected from 4 other Surrey schools. Kudos!

Attention Grade 12s- please visit for the Richmond Community Foundation’s High School Scholarships application. RCF’s scholarships recognize students for academics, volunteerism and contributions to the community. The deadline is March 14th but please apply early as you’ll need to arrange reference letters.

That’s all for today griffins! Thank you for listening and have a wonderful rest of your day!

Updated: Tuesday, February 25, 2025