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Daily Notices - Monday, May 6th, 2024

Attention grade 11 students! Are you interested in earning both high school and college credits in the fall? Come to an information session in the library at lunch today to learn more about taking a class at KPU in your grade 12 year. All of the course options are university transferable. An added bonus is that Richmond School District pays your course tuition!

Anyone in Mr. Fukazawa's class, who is a candidate for the top student in their subject award(s), please come to room 207 at lunch, on Friday, May 10th, 2024.

For all students participating in Variety Night, there is a quick meeting in Ms. Riddell's room (Room 137) at lunchtime on May 9th. Please attend if you are performing on Variety Night.

The Drama Club will be running a Palmer Film Festival! If you are interested in making a short film with a group of friends, this is perfect for you! If you are interested in participating, please sign up on Ms. Riddell's door (Room 137) by May 17th. The films will be screened on May 24th during Block A/B in the Drama Room. There will also be a concession stand where students can purchase snacks for the films.
The top 3 films will also receive prizes for their group!:
1. $50 Shoppers Gift Card
2. $25 Bubble Tea Gift Card
3. Small Prize
For more details on this contest and the requirements for entry, and how to submit your film please check out the drama club's Instagram, posters around the school, or talk to Ms. Riddell in room 137.

That’s all for today Griffins! Have a Wonderful rest of your day!

Updated: Monday, May 6, 2024