Student Financial Planning Seminar - Students and Parents Grade 9 - 12
Please mark your calendars for Wednesday, May 8th at 7pm. The Canadian Foundation for Economic Education (CFEE) is running a workshop for you to:
- build a financial resource toolkit to help with your future goals
- learn budgeting, spending and saving tips
Students: May 8, 2024 ONLINE Register HERE (or use the QR or link on the attached poster.)
Planning for your next steps after High School? Join us for an informative, interactive, and energizing virtual workshop, organized by CFEE to provide you with a unique experience exploring concepts outlined in CFEE's "Money and Youth: Student Guide to Financial Literacy" and other related resources. The workshop will focus on goals and decision making, planning for the future, banking, saving and the use of credit, budgeting to reach a goal, careers including entrepreneurship and the decision making around obtaining and paying for post-secondary education.