When you know better you do better
At Palmer, our staff and students are deeply invested in making learning "visible". Throughout the year, our staff and students engaged in commerating through action and reflection in social justice issues. These issues included, Black histor through Black Shirt day, the atrocities of residential school history through Orange Shirt Day, and Pink Shirt Day to reflect on erasing bullying and bigotry.
The impetus of the partiicatpation in these days came from out school focus to create a culture of inclusivity and empathy. The participaton in these days was always high as our students were encouraged by staff who showed up to 90% particiapton. On these days, brief PA announcements were made to provide history of the significance of the commemeration through our coloured t-shirts. Teachers were provided resources to further enhance, engage and support our learners in learning history and the significance of creating a culture where everyone matters. At Palmer, the belief is that margnization of any group is learned and we must actively engage in undersanding and acquiring knowledge to undo this learning.