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Students hold a Mental Health Dialogue Morning with Teachers

Our School focus has been a journey towards creating a school culture of belonging.  Through the Feedback on the Ministry surveys for treat 10 and 12 and through the MDI, Survey through UBC, our students' voice spoke clearly.  The feedback indicated a need for greater need of a sense of belonging and empathy.  This was exasperated wtih Covid-19 and a sense of disconnectedness with school, peers and adults in general.

One significant aspect of the ramficiations of this sense of disconnectedness, our students told us that their mental health was suffering.  Students wanted to teach teachers what they were going through.  OUt STudent Mental Health Awareness committee designed and facilitated a Mental Health Dialogue for stuaff duriing their morning preparation period.  The students were enlightening in what they shared with staff.  Students shared stories and evidence of aspects of how school can both add and aleviate the pressures they feel in regards to their school experience.  

Palmer students are highly motiviated to engage in their academic learning.  Our students described this desire as an area requiring teacher empathy especialy during Covid 19.  Seniors told us that the reduction and shortened instructional time with teachers was a significant factor in adding pressure to their desire for high achievement.  Through the dialogue, students and teachers engaged in learning, sharing, understanding and working towards actualizing empathy. 

Updated: Thursday, December 2, 2021