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Prerequisite: Grade 7

This combined studies course focuses on the development of basic knowledge and application of skills in both the English and Social Studies curricula.  Humanities 8 allows students to develop their Communication, Thinking, and Personal and Social core competencies.  The influence of language and text to understand ourselves and make connections to others and the world is explored.  The role of contacts, conflicts, and environment are analyzed to determine significant cultural, social, and political changes during the time period of the 7th century to the 1750's.  These big ideas are further developed through an examination of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Geography knowledge and skills previously acquired in Grade 7 are reinforced and expanded. In literature, emphasis is placed on reading comprehension, writing skills and student inquiry. Reading selections will include novels, short stories, poems, non-fiction, and historical texts to emphasize universal themes in the content area.



Required: Accepted into the Incentive Program (See Pre-AP/Incentive section on page 15).

This combined studies course focuses on the development of advanced knowledge and application of skills in both the English and Social Studies curricula.  Humanities 8 Incentive allows students to develop their Communication, Thinking, and Personal and Social core competencies.  The influence of language and text to understand ourselves and make connections to others and the world is explored.  The role of contacts, conflicts, and environment are analyzed to determine significant cultural, social, and political changes during the time period of the 7th century to the 1750's.  These big ideas are further developed through an examination of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Tudors, and the Reformation. Geography knowledge and skills previously acquired in Grade 7 are reinforced and expanded. In literature, emphasis is placed on reading comprehension and writing skills. Reading selections will include novels, short stories, poems, non-fiction, and historical texts to emphasize universal themes in the content area.  This course includes additional enrichment activities ranging from independent study to extended group discussion and debate, as well as integrated individual and group inquiry projects. Students will be expected to pursue areas of special interest to develop critical and creative thinking skills.



Prerequisite: Humanities 8 / English 8

This course builds upon the foundation laid in Humanities 8 with a continued emphasis on Communication, Thinking, and Personal and Social core competencies.  Students will continue to develop content and curricular competencies as outlined by the Ministry of Education.  Students will work toward becoming competent and effective users and creators of a wide variety of texts in diverse contexts, including digital texts. Through purposeful communication, learners can develop competencies in listening to understand; communicating effectively; presenting information and ideas with confidence and fluency; and understanding the connections between language and culture.  Students will respond both personally and critically to a variety of literature, including novels, short stories, drama, poetry, and non-fiction.



Required: Accepted into the Incentive Program (See Pre-AP/Incentive section on page 15).

This course builds upon the foundation laid in Incentive Humanities 8 with a continued emphasis on Communication, Thinking, and Personal and Social core competencies.  Students will continue to develop content and curricular competencies as outlined by the Ministry of Education.  Students will work toward becoming competent and effective users and creators of a wide variety of texts in diverse contexts, including digital texts. Through purposeful communication, learners can develop competencies in listening to understand; communicating effectively; presenting information and ideas with confidence and fluency; and understanding the connections between language and culture.  Students will respond both personally and critically to a variety of literature, including novels, short stories, drama, poetry, and non-fiction.  Incentive English Language Arts 9 covers the basic grade 9 curriculum with additional enrichment activities ranging from independent study to extended group projects, discussion, inquiry, and debate. Students will encounter challenging literature and be expected to demonstrate a variety of written, visual and oral work.  Students will have ample opportunity to complete inquiry projects. 





Prerequisite: English Language Arts 9

This course is designed to support students in their development of written communication through a critical process of questioning, exploring, and sampling. Within a supportive community of writers, students will work individually and collaboratively to explore and create coherent, purposeful compositions.  In addition, students will develop their spoken communication through processes of questioning, exploring, and sampling. The course builds students’ spoken language competencies by introducing them to varied structures, forms, and styles of oral compositions and by providing opportunities for students to individually and collaboratively study, draft, and use language to create original pieces in a variety of modes.  This course will develop their craft through processes of drafting, reflecting, and revising and provide students with opportunities for performance, storytelling, and public speaking.  This course meets the graduation requirement for English Language Arts 10.



Prerequisite: English Language Arts 9

This course is designed for students who are interested in the literature of a particular era, geographical area, or theme, or in the study of literature in general. The course allows students to delve more deeply into literature as they explore specific themes, periods, authors, or areas of the world through literary works in a variety of media.  In addition, students will explore creative expression through language. The course provides students opportunities to build their writing skills through the exploration of identity, memory, and story in a range of genres. Within a supportive community of writers, students will collaborate and develop their skills through writing and design processes.  This course meets the graduation requirement for English Language Arts 10.



Required: Accepted into the Incentive Program (See Pre-AP/ Incentive section on page 15).

This course is intended to provide students with a solid base in Focused Literary Studies, Composition, Creative Writing, and Spoken Language.  Students will develop written communication through a critical process of questioning, exploring, and sampling. Students will develop an interest in creative expression through language.  There will be a strong focus on the study of literature; they will delve more deeply into literature as they explore specific themes, periods, authors, or areas of the world through literary works in a variety of media.  In addition, this course will support students in their development of spoken communication through processes of questioning, exploring, and sampling.  Within a supportive community of writers, students will work individually and collaboratively to explore and create purposeful texts.  This course meets the graduation requirement for English Language Arts 10.



Prerequisite: English Language Arts 10

Literary Studies 11 allows students to delve deeply into literature in addition to exploring the core competencies. Students can explore specific themes, periods, authors, or areas of the world through literary works (fiction and non-fiction) in a variety of media. Students are encouraged to read appreciatively and critically in a variety of forms and are expected to develop higher-level thinking and learning skills.  They will enhance their development of both the receptive and expressive curricular competencies for English Language Arts. Students will increase their literacy skills through close reading of appropriately challenging and culturally diverse texts.  Students will expand their development as educated global citizens and broaden their understanding of themselves and the world .



Required: Accepted into the Incentive Program (See Pre-AP/ Incentive section on page 15).

Exploration of literary themes will provide impetus for discussion, critical thinking, and a variety of writing.  Students will explore a variety of writing forms, such as, narrative, expository, descriptive, persuasive, and opinion pieces.  The issue of style and language manipulation will be at the forefront of writing for specific audiences and specific disciplines.  While working on inquiry, students will cite sources, consider the credibility of evidence, and evaluate the quality and reliability of the source.  


EN: ENGLISH STUDIES 12           

Prerequisite: Literary Studies 11 or Pre-AP Incentive Literary Studies 11

The required English Studies 12 course builds on and extends students’ previous learning experiences in ELA and EFP 10 and 11 courses. It is designed for all students and provides them with opportunities to refine their ability to communicate effectively in a variety of contexts and to achieve their personal and career goals.  Students will think critically and creatively about the uses of language while exploring texts from a variety of sources, in multiple modes, and that reflect diverse worldviews. Students are expected to contribute to Reconciliation by building greater understanding of the knowledge and perspectives of First Peoples and appreciate the importance of self-representation through text.  Ultimately, students will deepen their understanding of themselves and others in a changing world as they gain insight into the diverse factors that shape identity.


EN:  English First Peoples 12 


Prerequisite: Literary Studies 11 or Pre-AP Incentive Literary Studies 11

English First Peoples 12 builds upon and extends students’ previous learning experiences in ELA courses. The course is grounded in the First Peoples Principles of Learning and will delve deeply into the Frist Peoples’ oral and written literature.  It is designed for all students to think critically and creatively as they continue to explore, extend, and strengthen their own writing.  Within a supportive community, students work individually and collaboratively to explore oral and written literature and create powerful, purposeful compositions.  Furthermore, through the study of authentic Indigenous text students will be able to: 

  • extend their capacity to communicate effectively in a variety of contexts
  • deepen their understanding of themselves and insights into key aspects of Canada’s past, present, and future as related to First Peoples
  • expand their understanding of what it means to be educated Canadian and global citizens


This course meets the new graduation requirement to have 4 credits in both an Indigenous Focused course, and the English Language Arts 12 requirement for all students graduating in B.C after September 2023. 





Prerequisite: Literary Studies 11 or Pre-AP Incentive Literary Studies 11

This course allows students to delve more deeply into literature through increasingly complex texts. Students can explore specific themes, periods, authors, or areas of the world through literary works (fiction and non-fiction) in a variety of media. Giving students the choice of a range of literary topics allows them to follow their passion and at the same time increase their literacy skills through close reading of appropriately challenging texts. Students will be able to enhance their development of the English Language Arts curricular competencies, both expressive and receptive. In addition, students continue to hone their development as educated global citizens.



Prerequisite: Literary Studies 11 or Pre-AP Incentive Literary Studies 11

This course is designed for students who are interested in creating a body of work reflective of a sophisticated breadth and depth of skill. The course provides students with opportunities to specialize and publish in real-world contexts. Students engage in the exploration of personal and cultural identities, memories, and stories, in a wide range of genres. Within a supportive community, students will collaborate and develop their skills through writing and design processes, celebrating successes. Students will refine their ability to write in complex, controlled styles with effectiveness and impact.